Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas come, Christmas gone (almost)

Had a great weekend celebrating Christmas.  Had my side of the Family over for Christmas Eve.  We all went to Church and then came back to our house.  We ate snick snacks, open presents and order chinese.  All was great.   Got Donkey Kong Country (oooh Tag Me Tag Me!!!!!!!!!!!!), a car phone charger for my iPhone and a U of I hand made blanket from my 9 month pregnant (and DYING, inside joke) little sister.  I have another one that I use EVERY day and now I have one for downstairs when I play my new video games, so I have MORE Orange & Blue.    Christmas Day was a busy driving day.   Left home at 11:30 to go to Glenview to pick up Deb's 96 year old grandfather.  He is still able to drive, but I just felt safer going to go get him.   So we got there at 12:15 to pick him up.  Then start the hour long trek out to St Charles.   We got to Deb's Brother's house at 1:15.   We ate snacks and opened presents.  I got a Snorkel shirt that has a Sun Factor of 35 SPF so now I can snorkel without having to lather up in sun tan lotion, or worry that my wife will spray STRIPES down my back for all to see. I also got a NEW controler for the Wii.  I got Kirby's Epic Yarn.  A wireless Keyboard for Rock Band 3 (now I just have to go buy that, Santa did not bring).  Got a realy neat pillow with UofI and the Chief on the front and when you flip it over there is a cup holder to hold my "soda".  Around 4 Lynda's family came by.   I played Kirby's epic yarn with Ryan, VERY FUN 2 player game.  Wonder if it will translate as a 1 player game.

Today we are going downtown to eat at the Walnut Room and look at the Macy's window display.   Tonight we are going to Lou Malanati's to see Deb's cousin Carol and her husband Rick.

Going into the weekend my weight was down to 295.  I figure this weekend I gained about 5 pounds.  I am going to start walking next week, so hopefully that will take some of this Holiday weight off.  I have blood work on the 7th and then meet with Doctor on the 11th.

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