Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year - Goodbye 2010

Last year was a Yo-Yo year.  Started the year off right with Traycie and Jayson getting married.  Soon after that things CHANGED.  Dad had to go to dialysis then on Feb 25th our lives turned upside down for the first time with my Mom's accident.  June 1st was the next flip with my Dad passing away.   Fast forward to Dec 30th.  Things WAY UP.  Niece Reese was born at 8:08 PM to my little sister.  There were troubled times durring her pregnancy, but we know Dad was up there making sure everything went right.  The perfect ending to that day was the 10 minutes I spent "videoing" everyone in Traycie's room with Reese just inside.   The reason "videoing" is in quotes was because I did NOT have the record button pushed.  Ironically DURING the taping I even asked Traycie if she wanted video or me to take pictures.   This is SOOOOOO a Dad thing to do.  So I really felt as though just me watching it through the video was his way of "seeing" what was going on.  I think that he took those 10 minutes or so and now has them for him to view at all times.   I really wish he was here to be Grampa for Reese, she will never know how much he would have loved her.  

So Traycie is in to PINK, so is my wife.  So Reese is already SPOILED with TONS of pink clothes from Debbie. 

Now about me.
I have lost the Holiday weight.  Now I just have to workout and get back on diet.  Have not been eating alot, but I have not been following the 1,500 calories either.

Got a keyboard for Rock Band 3 for Xmas.  I AM GOING to learn to play.  My goal is to spend an hour a day learning.

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